It is always great when we find an online source or blog with a focus on Gluten Free living, and we are happy to introduce you to Hold the Gluten.
Maureen is the creator of this site, and she has Celiac. Maureen was nice enough to allow us to send her some of our products for her review. One of the best things about blogging, is the personalized touch in the expression of an individual's (or group's) opinion. Her approach to information on living gluten-free and her great attitude towards life must be why she is averaging 2,300 downloads per month! We recently partnered with Maureen to offer one lucky winner, an Aleia's Giveaway Package. Check out the podcast for details on how to win!
Thanks for the shout out :) The online gluten free community is SO amazing -- I absolutely love how we can share information, recipes, and tips amongst each other. I love that Aleia's not only makes great products,but is so involved in our community! Keep up the great work!